Thursday, 11 October 2012

Starting at the beginning....

Beginnings are difficult.

I find it particularly difficult to start things; once I get going I'm fine, it's just the starting that I have trouble with. So why start a blog? Well, for starters, I think it'll help me to begin other things, things that I've been putting off for far too long. I think that having something concrete to focus upon rather than the hopes and dreams that have existed in arrested development over the last couple of years will do me more good than bad, and surely that's a good reason all in itself?

But hopefully, keeping this blog will prove interesting in other ways than as a means by which I can impel myself to action. I'd like to use this blog to talk about the things that interest/infuriate/amuse me. I'd like use it to talk about plays I've seen, trips I've taken, things I've done. I'd like to use it to give my opinion on current events in the political or sporting arenas. Basically I want this blog to cover whatever I want it to cover, which is why I've called it Daniels' Miscellany. I don't know right now exactly where this blog will take me; I only know that I've started it. And that in itself, is a good thing.

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