Monday, 28 January 2013

News from Nowhere

On January 1 I published a blogpost that set myself three goals for 2013. The last two of these aims were relatively general and were to be worked on throughout the year: whether I had successfully achieved those aims or not would unfold over the space of the year; at this early stage in the calendar at least, there would be no clear signs of success or failure. Only one of these aims - the first of them - contained specific details to which I could be held accountable for. Relating to this blog, my first aim for 2013 was to make sure that I blogged at least once week. Given that this is my first blogpost since January 1, I think it's fairly safe to say that, so far, 2013 is not going as I planned it to. That is not to say that my first New Year goal is a complete and utter failure. Not only have I looked at the blog between 1 January and now, but I have been working on some new posts. The problem is that, as with last year, those posts that I have been working on remain works in progress. So, by posting this short update about my lack of progress in posting updates to my blog, I'm intending to conclude the vicious circle I was recreating for myself for this year and begin a new, more virtuous circle of publication.

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New Year, fresh start?

1 January 2013.

So here we are. A New Year.

A time for looking forward, for anticipating what is to come and for forging new paths.

I'm not sure that what I have in mind for the next 12 months could be strictly quantified as resolutions, but whether they are or not I certainly hope that they avoid the fate of most New Year resolutions.

1. Starting off simply, blog more. I started this blog off as a means of getting to write more in the hopes that this would in turn assist my other writing. But after starting my blog, aside from my post of yesterday all other posts begun last year either remain in draft format or ended up being deleted because they led nowhere or took so long to complete they were no longer relevant. So in 2013 I plan to update this blog at least once a week.

2. A more general aim for 2013 is to work on the career, having by the end of the year formed a clear idea of where I am going, planned how I am going to get there and be putting it into action.

3. My final aim for 2013 is to sort my relationship out. Whilst it's much better than it was it's still nowhere near where it needs to be if we're going to have a long-term future. It's not going to be easy to sort out - there are both emotional and logistical issues involved - but hopefully by the end of the year there'll be a lot less of them.

2013 - here I come.