....to 2012 anyway.
Another calendar year is over and done with and what have I got to show for it?
On the surface, probably not much. I'm sure if you were to ask my friends how my life differs from how it stood on 1 January 2012, I'm sure that pretty much all of them would say that it doesn't. After all, I'm still not employed in any sort of job that could reasonably described as a career/vocation that could last me the rest of my life. Nor has my long-term long-distance relationship changed as far as can be reasonably discerned: we're still living 300 miles apart and we've still not met each other's parents, let alone entered into any other more significant relationship milestones.
Yet when I review the last year, and especially the last six months, I think there are grounds for cautious optimism. Whilst my job situation is far from ideal, I think that the last six months has given me a good basis from which to make a final concerted effort at working in the field that I ultimately want to work in, but with the knowledge that there is a viable alternative as a back-up. And whilst the relationship might look like nothing's changed, in the last six months plenty has. First and foremost, we're now seeing other on a regular basis, averaging once every 3 weeks. And whilst that might not seem a lot, given that over the previous eight years of the relationship we saw each other once every 3 months, it's a vast improvement.
So, for the first time in 4 or so years, I can say goodbye to this year knowing that the last twelve months haven't just been about treading water or heading backwards. As to what I want from 2013? Well that's another blogpost...